Thursday 7 November 2013

Assignment Model 1 : X-Wing

The first model I made is the X-Wing, which I chose because it is a classic icon of the original trilogy, featured in some of the most prolific scenes.
I faced many issues in building this model, the most notable being the nosecone and the cockpit. These were simply an issue of creating vertices and moving them into the correct position. In the case of the cockpit it was to create the right size and shaped polygons to make the windows. The nose cone was a real challenge as simply picking the correct starting shape proved a lot more difficult than is seemed at first. However with time I found that I could make accurate shapes with manipulating vertices.
The main techniques and tools I found useful on this model is the pro boolean tool, which I used to make the detailing on the back part of the body on the ship. I made a cutter out of a box by cutting other shapes out of it, then using that to cut out detail. I believe this makes for a more accurate ship.
The other technique I used a lot in this model is the spline and lathe. This technique was used in creating the guns and engines, which I think came out effectively, particularly the guns. The engines could be improved upon, as once lathed it would not let me boolean out the shape needed for the font and back of the engine for the intake and output. which is the biggest change I would make.  To create the splines I used the schematics I found online ant wookiepedia, as seen below.

These schematics were invaluable in creating accurate splines for the engines and the guns, as well as the general shape and scale of the entire model.

There are a few improvements that could be made on the model, which would increase the realism which would be important if using the model in an advert or film, however in a game the model would be perfectly suited. One improvement would be increased detailing on the wings, which could be done with connections and manipulation of vertices. Another would be the aforementioned intake and output detailing on the engines, as well as their placement which was difficult to do.

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