Saturday 30 November 2013

Texturing TIE Fighter

After a few weeks out from sickness and getting back up to speed, I decided to crack on with getting my models animation ready.

I started with the TIE fighter, where I planned to texture the line pattern on the wings, and leave the rest as simple colours. However, after unwrapping it and attempting a texture in GIMP which seemed too dark and took far too long, I decided it would be simpler to create physical lines in max and texture the polygons individually with solid colours.

Here was my attempt at the wing texture in GIMP. It was a hassle to create as it was creating different colours for each wing, even with the same level of noise around the edges, and drawing the lines evenly was a big hassle, leading to my decision to create vertices and connections for the wing in max.

Here was the final wing, with the polygons textured with solid colours, ready for animation.

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