Thursday 7 November 2013

Assignment Model 3: Slave1

For my final ship I decided on the Fett family ship, the Slave1. I decided on this ship because of the interesting shape and because I enjoyed seeing it in the films, especially as I enjoy it transition from the landing position to the upright flying position. It will not feature in my animation, but I decided to try a more interesting shaped ship to make a more interesting model.
The main problem I faced with this model was creating the right shapes. I tried to create the back with a hemisphere and the front with a an extruded spline, however, I found neither of these worked. In the end I did the back portion with a lathed spline and the front with a modified cylinder and sphere. All in all I believe using these shaped worked in my favour to create a more authentic looking shape. Another problem I faced is the actual schematics I used.
As you can see, this schematic shows two differently sized views, and in the scaling up of these, there were some real problems in alignment, although I managed to come to a good medium between the two.  I also experimented with various techniques on this ship, especially before I settled on the shapes I would use, especially chamfering to get the curve needed for the front portion, although  ultimately I decided on using a cylinder instead. I also had to use splines a lot, and with one part of the wing I used a spline to create it, extruding it up and capping the end, which was also a new technique I had to learn and experiment with.

This is by far the most difficult models I worked with, mainly due to it's irregular curved shape, which I struggled with a lot more than the straighter X-wing and TIE Fighter.
The main improvements I would make would be fine detail, particularly on the wings, where I really struggled to get the correct shapes in.

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